Learn about our BigCommerce integration
BigCommerce is a SaaS-based ecommerce software for retailers of various sizes, both B2C and B2B.
With Codat's BigCommerce integration, you can securely connect to, retrieve, and view your SMB customers' commerce transactions from BigCommerce. Data is standardized to our data model and available through our Commerce API.
Data type coverage
View the coverage of our BigCommerce integration in the Data coverage explorer.
For more information about the supported data types, see BigCommerce integration reference.
Sandbox stores
Before sending Link URLs to your SMB customers, we recommend that you test the integration using sample data from a sandbox store. You must be a Technology Partner to create a sandbox store and add sample data to it. For more information, refer to the following articles in the BigCommerce Dev Center:
Note that trial stores expire after 15 days and can't be populated with sample data.
Supported plans
Our BigCommerce integration supports the following plans: Standard, Plus, Pro, Enterprise, and Essentials. You can retrieve commerce data from merchants who are signed up to a supported plan.
Set up the integration
After you've tested the integration, see Set up the BigCommerce integration to learn how to enable your SMB customers to connect their commerce data using Link.
Be aware of the Platform Limits in place for the BigCommerce software.