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2024-04-02: Xero BankStatement Report breaking change

· 3 min read
Max Clayton Clowes
Product Director, Client Experience

On April 2, 2024, Xero are implementing a breaking change to their BankStatement Report.

If this affects your current use of Codat, your organization should have received an email from Xero:

On 2 April 2024 PDT/3 April 2024 NZT/AEST we plan to release a breaking change to how the Bank Statement report within the Reports endpoint of the Accounting API is accessed. This change will make the Bank Statement report inaccessible unless you confirm that you meet some additional terms and conditions about your security practices. We’re making this change as part of our ongoing efforts to improve the security of the Xero ecosystem.

You’ve been sent this email because you have accessed the Bank Statement report in the last six months.  If you don’t need access to the Bank Statement report anymore then you don’t need to do anything.  We will remove your access to this report through the API on 2 April 2024 PDT/3 April 2024 NZT/AEST.

If you want to continue accessing the Bank Statement report using the Xero API you will need to take the following steps before 2 April 2024 PDT/3 April 2024 NZT/AEST:

  1. Read, understand and sign the addendum to our developer terms and conditions here
  2. Start requesting the scope when establishing new connections. Existing connections will not be affected at this stage.
  3. Confirm by replying to this email that you’ve taken these steps.

Importantly, there will be no extensions to the 2 April 2024 deadline granted, so please make sure you are prepared.

If you have any questions or if there is anything we can do to help please reply to this email and one of our team will get back to you.

The BankStatement report is used by Codat to populate various fields within the Bank Accounts and Bank Transactions data types. From April 2, 2024, these Codat data types will be impacted unless you complete Xero’s required steps (as below).

New behavior

Unless the Xero required steps outlined below are completed:

  • The Balance field within the Bank Accounts data type won't be populated for Xero connections.
  • Bank Transactions datasets will fail with a fetch error for Xero connections.

Action required

If you consume and use the affected datatypes and fields, you need to:

  1. Read, understand, and sign the addendum to Xero’s developer terms and conditions here.
  2. Confirm with Xero that you’ve taken these steps by replying to Xero’s email (or email
  3. Confirm with Codat you’ve done this. Forward a copy of your email to Xero to
Changes to scopes

Xero’s communication requires changes to be made to scopes that are requested for new connections. We will handle this on your behalf as long as we are notified that you have completed the required steps with Xero as above.

Expected impact if no action is taken

If you do not complete the steps outlined by Xero, the Bank Accounts and Bank Transactions data types for Xero connections will be impacted:

  • The Balance field within the Bank Accounts data type won't be populated for Xero connections.
  • Bank Transactions datasets will fail with a fetch error for Xero connections.

There is no impact to other integrations, data types, or other fields within the affected data types.